
Sunday, July 2, 2017

#ImpotentRage: House Democrats Move To Declare Trump "Incapacitated"

In Congress as the July swelter grips Washington D.C., House Democrats led by Maryland’s Representative Jamie Raskin, have penned an bill with the intention to declare President Trump “Incapacitated” pursuant to the 25th Amendment ot the US Constitution. This move is tha latest in the rapidly diminishing movement to impeach or otherwise remove the 45th President of the United States. Fox News Insider, the Washington Post and TheBlaze broke the story late in the afternoon of July 1st

There are a few key problems with this latest publicity stunt from the less-than-respectful opposition:

  • The 25th Amendment requires that the Vice-President give his assent.
  • The Vice-President then becomes “Acting-President” until such a time as:
  • The President can transmit “ the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office...”
    • The Congress and the Vice President (if he assents) could then of course: “ ...transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office….”

Now if these issues were’nt enough of a deterrent there is also the small matter that the US Congress is currently controlled by the Republican party, who: barring a legitimate and inescapably obvious medical issue will not invoke the 25th Amendment’s incapacity clause. This is for one simple reason: Trump is good for business.

Think about it: while the President’s Tweet-storms rage and keep the internet and main-stream media engulfed in more flames than a Southwestern brush fire, the Congress has a free hand to take a chainsaw to the Obama-Era regulatory state. Thirteen of the Thirty-Nine bills signed into law by the 115th Congress so far have rolled back the federal government’s regulatory power. While the @realDonaldTrump plays golf at Mar-a-Lago and clotheslines CNN...

...Republicans under Speaker Paul Ryan are cleaning house. Congress simply has no vested interest in removing a President who has taken the heat of the media and the activist left completely off of them. Sound and fury, signifying nothing. Another outburst of #ImpotentRage from the Democratic Party.

(For the record in researching this piece I was able to locate(after several pages of google burial) the following articles which called for President Obama to be removed vis-a-vis the current House Democrat calls (even in a joking fashion).
There may be more online, but I have been unable to locate any indications that a serious motion in Congress was ever considered or undertaken.)

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